Nashville Firefighter To Get $450,000 After Calling Local Officials 'White Supremacists'

When in doubt, it's always a good idea to call people white supremacists.

At least, that's the lesson to take away from Nashville firefighter Joshua Lipscomb.

Lipscomb was suspended for a social media post in which he called Metro Council members "white supremacists" earlier in 2022.

Now, the city's legal department is recommending he be compensated $450,000 for his trouble.

According to The Tennessean, the post also denied the legitimacy of the United States as a whole.

"I hate feeding into the illusion that America’s government and existence is legitimate so I'm no fan of voting," Lipscomb said. "But the majority of Nashville City Council is white supremacists. I know it's boring, but millennials HAVE to start caring about local elections. These folk want us dead."

The Nashville Fire Department council determined that he should be suspended for 16 days for violating department policy. But in a surprising turn of events for "white supremacists," the Metro Council generally supported him.

He then filed a lawsuit, with lawyers recommending the $450,000 settlement.

Nashville Might Have Black White Supremacists

Nashville's Metro Council also, as of late 2022, has nine black members. It's unclear how many of the black officials are also white supremacists, according to Lipscomb.

While Lipscomb is free to accuse anyone he want, it's part of the ridiculous trend on the left to tie everything to "white supremacy."

Vice claimed that national parks are rooted in "white supremacy," just as one example.

Jemele Hill, when she's not failing to sell books, makes a living accusing others of being "white supremacists."


The left moves from ridiculous label to ridiculous label as they get increasingly hysterical about their political opponents.

Lipscomb just echoed the latest MSNBC rhetoric when incorrectly labeling Nashville officials.

People have been fired for questioning useless mask mandates, school closures or other political viewpoints.

But Lipscomb gets to cash in after a short suspension.

The moral of the story, as always, is that it pays to accuse the right people.

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Ian Miller is a former award watching high school actor, author, and long suffering Dodgers fan. He spends most of his time golfing, traveling, reading about World War I history, and trying to get the remote back from his dog.