Michigan Woman Arrested After Using Parody Hitman Website To Have Her Ex-Husband Killed

Wendy Wein, 51, of South Rockwood, Michigan was (allegedly) doing her thing on the Internet looking for a way to have her husband killed and just happened to enter her information into www.rentahitman.com and requested a consultation on the matter, according to the Michigan State Police. The website owner contacted the cops because he was concerned Wendy was trying to harm her husband.

The parody website clearly says, "Due to contractual restrictions, Rent-A-Hitman is no longer affiliated with the CIA, SIS, Diners Club, Jeffrey Epstien or the Illuminati. Any correspondence with Rent-A-Hitman: Your Point & Click Solution, or email/web form communications IS property of RAH and subject to print, multimedia, and all other uses, public and private.  Capisce!" at the bottom of the homepage which should've indicated to Wendy that it was parody and she wouldn't be able to find someone to kill her husband.

The Michigan State Police created an undercover operation that led to Wendy offering $5,000 to have her ex-husband killed. She was arrested and is charged with Solicitation to Commit Murder.

From the MSP report:

As for the RentAHitman.com owner, he told police numerous people contact him to have people killed and he turns those requests over to cops. He estimates 130 people have been saved by his site turning in potential hit leads.

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Joe Kinsey is the Senior Director of Content of OutKick and the editor of the Morning Screencaps column that examines a variety of stories taking place in real America. Kinsey is also the founder of OutKick’s Thursday Night Mowing League, America’s largest virtual mowing league. Kinsey graduated from University of Toledo.