Michigan School Districts Return to Mask Mandates Despite Lack of Evidence Supporting Them
School children in Ann Arbor, Mich., will be forced to wear masks in school, yet again.
This is the latest in a long line of examples of school administrators bowing to science denialism.
Years of evidence and data showing that masks are completely ineffective at preventing the spread of COVID continues to apparently be irrelevant.
Ann Arbor Public Schools announced that mask mandates will now be enforced in all indoor environments for everyone on campus.
That includes students, visitors and staff, in a futile attempt to "combat a surge of illnesses.”
This is nonsensical policy that is demonstrably incapable of combating illnesses of any kind.

Los Angeles, CA - August 16: Third grade dual language students wear masks and prepare to take a photo with Los Angeles Unified Interim Superintendent Megan K. Reilly, teachers, principals, school site employees, on the first day of school at Los Angeles Unified School District at Montara Avenue Elementary School on Monday, Aug. 16, 2021 in Los Angeles, CA. Los Angeles Unified Interim Superintendent Megan K. Reilly, Board Members and special guests celebrate the first day of instruction on August 16, welcoming students, teachers, principals, school site employees and families, while visiting special programs and classrooms at each site. (Allen J. Schaben / Los Angeles Times via Getty Images)
One a study of neighboring school districts in North Dakota found that there was no difference in case rates between those that wore masks and those that didn’t.

Randomized controlled trials on masking to combat the spread of the flu also found that they were ineffective.
States that required masking in schools during the winter of 2021-2022 also reported higher rates of infection than those that didn’t.

Far from being evidence supporting their mask mandate, there’s vast amounts of evidence opposing it.
But that apparently won’t be enough to stop fanatical administrators from forcing ineffective, potentially harmful policies on kids.
While the overwhelming majority of the country has avoided new mandates, children seem to be the last group affected by expert misinformation on masks.
Woke officials and local authorities bought into misrepresentations from Dr. Fauci and the CDC, and now have permanent justification, in their minds, to forcibly mask students on a whim.
If they haven’t moved on by now, when will they ever?
The answer to that question appears to be a conclusive ”never.” Masking is now a permanent, rolling ritual in blue cities.
That’s the real legacy of Dr. Anthony Fauci, permanent mask mandates on children that help no one and harm learning and development. Job well done.