Let's Not Forget How These Stars Bullied Us Over COVID

The pandemic is essentially over for most people save the Always Maskers and the King of All Media, Howard Stern.

We’ve spent nearly three years grappling with COVID-19 and, along the way, learned some valuable lessons applicable for the next pandemic.

The government hungers for control, even while its leaders won't follow the draconian measures enforced upon the masses. The mainstream media prefers narrative over the truth. And many celebrities are quick to lecture while reluctant to apologize when they get the facts oh, so wrong.

Speaking of Stern, the former shock jock jumps to the front of the list for stars who behaved badly during the pandemic. It’s his prerogative to act as if it’s still March 2020 and stay hunkered down in his Southampton abode.

To each his own.

Stern pushed matters further. The 68-year-old whined against anyone who didn’t get the vaccine and subsequent boosters.

"I’m really of mind to say, ‘Look, if you didn’t get vaccinated you got COVID, you don’t get into a hospital. You had the cure, and you wouldn’t take it."

Except the vaccine wasn’t the cure.

Stern also famously cursed our collective freedoms and demanded the vax be “mandatory.”

Stern chum Jimmy Kimmel similarly railed against anyone who didn’t get the so-called jab from his ABC late night perch.

“Dr. Fauci said if hospitals get any more crowded, they’re going to have to make some very tough choices about who gets an ICU bed.  That choice doesn’t seem so tough to me.  Vaccinated person having a heart attack? Yes, come right on in, we’ll take care of you. Unvaccinated guy who gobbled horse goo? Rest in peace, wheezy.”

Kimmel bought the media lie that Ivermectin, which some have suggested could help a body recover from COVID-19, was horse medicine. In fact, the medication has been taken by people for decades and earned a Nobel Prize for its usage. It's effectiveness against the virus, though, remains a hotly debated subject.

Kimmel And Stern Weren't Alone In Their COVID Bullying

Fellow late night propagandist Stephen Colbert railed against business owners protesting the COVID-19 lockdowns. Yes, the same lockdowns we’ve recently learned were ineffective in stopping the virus’ spread.

Colbert, who kept collecting his massive paychecks throughout the pandemic, mocked the protesters as MAGA rubes who didn’t know any better.

"Because nothing says 'never surrender' like a Confederate flag," Colbert cracked 

Arnold Schwarzenegger became a superstar by embracing the American dream on his terms. Now the “Terminator” legend, like Stern, isn’t so keen on the whole “freedom” concept.

The aging action star praised Dr. Anthony Fauci, the expert who didn’t know much about natural immunity, couldn't opine on the safety of BLM marches during the pandemic and continually over-promises on the vaccine's benefits.

Schwarzenegger also slammed those who didn’t follow the government mandates to the letter. Even though said mandates proved a tad iffy on the facts.

“And the only way we prevent it is we get vaccinated, we wear masks, we do social distancing, washing your hands all of the time, and not just to think about, ‘Well, my freedom is being kind of disturbed here.’ No, screw your freedom. Because with freedom comes obligations and responsibilities.”

Pop songstress Pink joined Stern and Kimmel and questioning if non-vaxxed Americans deserved health care in this social media screed.

“Maybe we should all protest the protesters? Hand out waivers for people to sign that says if they get sick they wave their right to healthcare.then they also agree to pay hospital bills of any single person they come in contact with … I feel like I’m living in the movie IDIOCRACY.”

Sean Penn may be the worst offender of all.

The two-time Oscar winner weighed in last year on those who refused to get the jab. He spoke to Extra about the vaccine and how the country should handle those who refuse to take their medicine.

 “I really feel that if someone chooses not to be vaccinated, that they should choose to stay home. Not go to work. Not have a job. As long as we’re all paying for these streets, we gotta ride safely on them. And so I’m just hopeful that the mindset will change.”

Yes, mindsets will change when you strip Americans of their fundamental rights.

To be fair, Penn has routinely cozied up to dictators like Venezuelan strongman Hugo Chavez. So his factually, and freedom-challenged, opinions are consistent, at the very least.

Written by
Christian Toto is an award-winning film critic, journalist and founder of HollywoodInToto.com, the Right Take on Entertainment. He’s the author of “Virtue Bombs: How Hollywood Got Woke and Lost Its Soul” and a lifelong Yankees fan. Toto lives in Denver, Colorado with his wife, two sons and too many chickens. Follow Christian on Twitter at https://twitter.com/HollywoodInToto