Help! Reverend Al Wants New NYC Mayor To Do Something About Thefts
Months after Black Lives Matter threatened to bring "bloodshed" if newly-elected New York City Mayor Eric Adams brought back anti-crime units to the NYPD, Reverend Al Sharpton is openly calling on the new mayor to get tough on thefts that have turned the city chaotic.
In a Wednesday sitdown on MSNBC's "Morning Joe," the Rev. called on Adams to do something, especially since stores are "locking up my toothpaste," the political operative told Joe Scarborough.
“You go into a local pharmacy, a Duane Reade or Rite Aid, you got to get some help to assist you,” Sharpton told Joe. “They have the little button, they get the buzzer and the guy comes over and unlocks your toothpaste. I mean we are talking about basic stuff here.”
Scarborough pressed Rev. Al on what Adams can do when elected city leaders around Adams are enjoying the chaos brought about by Bill de Blasio who handcuffed the NYPD and helped lead the city to the point where shoplifters walk out of Trader Joe stores with 10 steaks.
Al acknowledged there's a justice system debate that needs to be addressed.
“There are those that are concerned, including me, about overloading the system in the jails with petty crime, but at the same time, you cannot have a culture where people are just at random, just robbing and stealing and is out of control, and is put on the front page of newspapers, which only encourages others to do it,” Al continued.
“In fairness to Eric, he’s only been there five weeks, but even as I’m fair to him, Eric, they are locking up my toothpaste,” the reverend noted.
And there you have it, the breaking point for the pols like Rev. Al is when he can't just walk into a Duane Reade and grab a bottle of Crest without trying to find a worker to open the toothpaste case like he's buying a diamond ring.
To his credit, Rev. Al didn't jump on the Defund the Police bandwagon in 2020 when it was the cool thing to call for. At the time, he said it was a "latte liberal" ideology.
And now the latte liberals are getting what they wanted. Toothpaste locked up.
Pray for Rev. Al.