Government Investigation Finds NIH Failed to Properly Monitor Investments Going to Wuhan Lab

The lab leak hypothesis for the COVID pandemic has been one of the most controversial questions since the initial outbreak..

Initially, experts claimed that it was a conspiracy theory, with a natural origin being the only possible explanation.

But they’ve slowly walked back their claims over time, as evidence has emerged showing the lab was a possible, if not the likely, origin.

Newly released emails have also confirmed that many experts initially thought a lab origin was a distinct probability.


Now, even more information has been released showing that the U.S. government investments in the Wuhan lab weren’t properly monitored.

The National Institutes of Health, under former leaders like Dr. Francis Collins and Dr. Anthony Fauci, gave grant money to the EcoHealth Alliance. EcoHealth was ostensibly supposed to study how best to identify and stop pandemics.

But to do so, they partnered with the Wuhan Institute of Virology.

The same Wuhan Institute of Virology which may possibly be the source of the pandemic.

NIH Didn’t Ensure Lab Compliance With Requirements

The Office of the Inspector General at the Department of Health and Human Services conducted an audit of NIH and EcoHealth and found that they failed to ensure compliance with grant requirements.

“Despite identifying potential risks associated with research being performed under the EcoHealth awards, we found that NIH did not effectively monitor or take timely action to address EcoHealth's compliance with some requirements,” the report read.

Essentially, NIH sent grant money to EcoHealth Alliance with certain limitations on what kind of research it could fund. EcoHealth sent money to the Wuhan lab to conduct risky experiments regardless.

And neither the agency or the company effectively monitored the work that was being conducted inside the lab.

If that sounds like a major problem, that’s because it is.

Although the investigators said that the lab did cooperate for a time, after the pandemic, they essentially stopped.

“Although WIV cooperated with EcoHealth's monitoring for several years, WIV's lack of cooperation following the COVID 19 outbreak limited EcoHealth's ability to monitor its subrecipient,” it read.

In a stunning turn of events, after the pandemic started, the Wuhan lab declined to cooperate with efforts to uncover what happened.

Who could have possibly predicted that? Certainly not those in charge of NIH who helped fund risky experiments with little oversight.

Massive Mistakes

The importance of this inexcusable decision making can’t be overstated.

The U.S. government essentially handed over money to the Wuhan lab, then turned a blind eye to it.

And then the scientists involved in funding and advancing the research used their credentials and status to label anyone who pointed out the connection.

Fauci, Francis Collins, Peter Daszak and an international community of experts organized to write a paper claiming to debunk the lab leak.

All while knowing that the lab had been experimenting with little oversight or accountability.

While it’s disappointing, it’s not remotely surprising.

Experts have misled the public on the efficacy of masks, vaccine passports, lockdowns, school closures and many other issues.

Why shouldn’t they mislead about the lab leak too?

At this point, it’d be more surprising if an investigation uncovered they’d actually been telling the truth.

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Ian Miller is a former award watching high school actor, author, and long suffering Dodgers fan. He spends most of his time golfing, traveling, reading about World War I history, and trying to get the remote back from his dog.