Gov. Cuomo Threatens to Stop Vaccine Distribution
Pfizer announced Monday that its COVID-19 vaccine is found “to be more than 90% effective in preventing COVID-19 in participants without evidence of prior SARS-CoV-2 infection in the first interim efficacy analysis.” That's good news. Great, really. Not so fast, New York Governor Andrew Cuomo warns.
While speaking to political partisan George Stephanopoulos — what a combo — Cuomo said the news is "bad" and that he will need to figure out a way to stop distribution before it does damage.
Here is Cuomo putting politics ahead of the country:
"The bad news is that it's about two months before Joe Biden takes over and that means this administration is going to be implementing a vaccine plan," Cuomo starts. "The vaccine plan is very important. It's probably the most ambitious undertaking since COVID began.
"The Trump administration is rolling out the vaccination plan, and I believe it's flawed."
Cuomo concluded, "I've been talking to governors across the nation about that - how can we shape the Trump administration vaccine plan to fix it or stop it before it does damage."
Despite the expected push back from Cuomo — who like Gavin Newsom, handles most problems badly — this is undoubtedly a major win for the Trump administration. It would have been fascinating to know the impact the news would have had if it come out before last week's election, when COVID-19 was a deciding factor in voting.
No word yet on what New York Governor Andrew Cuomo's brother thinks of the news.