Gavin Newsom Violated His Own COVID Guidelines By Going to a Birthday Party
California governor Gavin Newsom violated his own COVID-19 guidelines, going to the 50th birthday party for one of his political advisors, Jason Kinney, at the swanky Bay Area restaurant, French Laundry, on November 6th. The party had more than 12 attendees, from several different households.
As the San Francisco Chronicle notes, California state guidelines limit gatherings to including people from no more than three households; Governor Newsom did not deny that more than three households had members present at the birthday party.
"While our family followed the restaurant's health protocols and took safety precautions, we should have modeled better behavior and not joined the dinner," Governor Newsom said in a statement.
Governor Newsom's children are enrolled in an in-person private school, while many schools in the state are still doing remote learning. He is currently at war with the Walt Disney company because he's insisted Disneyland remain shut down.
This party is the latest situation where Democratic politicians are not following the guidance they set in place for others. In Chicago, mayor Lori Lightfoot celebrated the news that networks called the election for Joe Biden over Donald Trump in crowded streets, yelling into a bullhorn while not wearing a mask.
She "justified" it by saying that those crowds would have been there anyway, and they were wearing masks. Meanwhile, the Chicago Bears still can't have fans at Soldier Field, even with masks and social distancing. Later in the week, Mayor Lightfoot limited social gatherings to 12 people and advised Chicagoans not to spend Thanksgiving with their extended families.
If our leaders are going to demand sacrifice of others, they can't willfully violate their own policies.