Disney Employs Man In Dress To Work Upfront At Little Girl Store
A man in a dress now awaits little girls who enter the dress store at Disneyland.
According to a viral TikTok video, the man stands near the door modeling the Disney dresses the girls hope to soon don.
This man is the first sight the girls see upon entering the dress store:
Here's a close look at the latest Disney dress model:
Just what every little girl wants to see during their first dream vacation.
Deploying the man for this role is a means to normalize the appropriation of gender. Disney is enabling the movement by putting its influence behind the idea.
It's for reasons like these that Disney’s brand reputation has plummeted in recent years.
A recent Axios Harris poll found that Disney is now the fifth most polarizing brand in America, citing “polarizing political drama” for its ranking.
Disney has lost far more support among Republicans than it has gained with Democrats. Introducing the dress-wearing fella to little girls should only worsen said dichotomy.
As I discussed with Rachel Campos-Duffy on her Fox News podcast last week, it's up to parents to push back. The girls, and kids, don't know any better.
And parents ignoring what exists in front of the Disney store enables brands to continue promulgating such fringe political messaging.
There's no battle more consequential than the battle for culture. A little girl can't even enter the Disney dress store without being exposed to a creepy dude with a mustache pretending he's a woman.