Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot Doubles Down on Hypocrisy
As we mentioned yesterday, Chicago mayor Lori Lightfoot announced a 30-day lockdown set to begin on Monday. For the time being, this is not a renewed shutdown of businesses like gyms and barber shops, but private gatherings are permitted to have a maximum of 10 people and she advised Chicagoans not to have family over for Thanksgiving. However, just last Saturday, she celebrated the news that networks called the election for Joe Biden over Donald Trump and, without wearing a mask, spoke into a bullhorn in the crowded streets.
Mayor Lightfoot was asked on MSNBC to defend herself against critics like myself and others that she was sending mixed messages:
Mayor Lightfoot said that everyone in the crowd was wearing a mask, even though she was not while she was speaking into the bullhorn. She continued: "There are times when we actually do need to have a relief and come together, and I felt like that was one of those times. That crowd was gathered whether I was there or not."
I live in Chicago, and I find this explanation unacceptable. It is hypocritical to say that celebrating Donald Trump losing or protesting in crowded streets is alright, but that gathering with friends and family with masks and social distancing is going to put grandma in her grave. That the crowds were going to be there whether she was there or not is irrelevant. What type of example is she setting?
And though protests and election celebrations are held outside but Thanksgiving is held inside, there is still no clear explanation why fans cannot attend Chicago Bears games. By her logic, stadiums could used for concerts and sporting events right now if everyone wore masks.
Mayor Lightfoot can't look herself in the mirror and expect a city that is exasperated from the pandemic, that has lost beloved bars and restaurants right and left, to take her advisory seriously when she's out reveling in crowded streets. Mask compliance isn't a "get out of hypocrisy free" card.