CDC Apparently Endorses Biological Males 'Chestfeeding'

In case there were any doubts that the CDC has fully embraced politics over science, they're now embracing "chestfeeding."

"Chestfeeding," of course, is a term that transgender activists use to describe biological males giving milk to infants.

And the CDC is endorsing it.

According to the Daily Mail, a section on "health equity" explains that according to the nation's leading public health agency, an individual does not need to have given birth to "breastfeed or chestfeed."

A Q&A section also explains that "some transgender parents who have had breast/top surgery may wish to breastfeed, or chestfeed (a term used by some transgender and non-binary parents), their infants."

To do so, the CDC says that those individuals may need to use "medication to induce lactation."

Except there are potential complications to such medication that the CDC completely ignores. The Daily Mail spoke to several doctors who said one product used on biological males has been "linked to heart problems in babies."

But acknowledging those risks means potentially contradicting transgender activists, and so its conveniently ignored.

Welcome to the modern concept of "science."

CDC Endorsing Dangerous, Abusive Practices To Appease Their Political Allies

The lack of intellectual honesty among influential public health institutions has real world consequences.

These problems have mostly flown under the radar until the onset of the COVID pandemic, when CDC recommendations were quickly disproven.

Instead of changing course and adjusting to accept they were wrong, CDC "experts" doubled down.

Now they're bringing that same disregard for reality, potentially hurting children in the process.

One doctor, Dr. Jane Orient, told the Daily Mail that "we have no idea what the long-term effects on the child will be," if biological males use "all kinds of off-label hormones."

"It's become so politicized that you can do all kinds of things for a politically approved purpose," Orient explained.

And therein lies the problem.

The CDC has become so completely politicized that they're willing to uncritically accept whatever their political allies demand, regardless of the paucity of evidence behind it.

Biological reality takes a back seat to delusional politics, potentially abusing children in the process. The CDC is supposed to be an unbiased source of accurate information. Instead, it's become a laughingstock of political activism.

Yet somehow they have no idea why their credibility has completely evaporated. When you claim to represent science and deny biology, it's no surprise the public continues to tune out.

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Ian Miller is a former award watching high school actor, author, and long suffering Dodgers fan. He spends most of his time golfing, traveling, reading about World War I history, and trying to get the remote back from his dog. Follow him on Twitter @ianmSC