Biden Is Beholden To Ukraine, Our 51st State, Not To You | Tomi Lahren

Ukraine, Our 51st state?

Apparently Joe Biden doesn’t need congressional approval to secure…UKRAINE’S BORDER!

Oh you bet I have some Final Thoughts!

Ukraine, Our 51st State. 

Our well-meaning elderly president with a poor memory, failing brain, and crooked spirit has maintained that he - despite using executive order to undo Trump’s border measures - cannot or will not use his authority to stem the flow of illegals bum-rushing OUR country.

But get this, somehow and some way, Joe Biden found it in his heart and within his power to authorize another $300 million worth of equipment and weapons to send to Ukraine!

Joe Biden: Today, the United States is announcing an emergency package for Ukraine using cost savings from previously approved Pentagon contracts. I have the authority to do this without you asking Congress for more money right now. Well, I've asked them for a lot more money, and, so we're. But it's not nearly enough what we're announcing today.

No, Congress did not approve this. But Joe did it anyway. Why?

Because he is beholden to Ukraine but he is not beholden to you. 

All this while his precious illegal aliens are murdering Americans right, Left and center. 

All while the WORLD AT LARGE is actively emptying its prisons and sending its degenerates and thugs our way. 

And guess what, more are en route.

Rep. Matt Gaetz: So what's the difference between Haiti and a failed state? It's telling, right? We can't really identify because the gangs are in charge. The government has been thrown out. And as a Florida man, I'm deeply concerned about this wave of people that we're about to have that we are having coming from Haiti, and it will accelerate.

Ms. Zimmerman: At the moment, we have not yet seen large numbers. What we would characterize as a as a maritime mass migration. But we are alert.

Rep. Matt Gaetz: Do you anticipate a mass migration.

Ms. Zimmerman: We are we are alert to that possibility.

Oh goodie, so we have that to look forward to. 

Haiti is a failed state, by the way. 

A few years back when Donald Trump allegedly referred to it as a craphole country, he was not wrong. 

That doesn’t mean ALL of the people in Haiti are bad or criminal or lawless, but it means that the nation of Haiti is a flippin’ disaster and why we would sign ourselves up to shoulder more of its burden along with the rest of the world’s burdens is beyond me. 

Well, unless you take into consideration that the people who run our country hate our country, in which case this all makes perfect sense. 

Tax season is upon us, my fellow Americans. Make sure you get that taken care of because the rest of the world is depending on it. 

Those are my Final Thoughts. From Nashville, God bless and take care. 

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Tomi Lahren hosts the evening opinion show Tomi Lahren is Fearless on which features her signature bold takes on trending culture stories driving the conversation across America, along with guest interviews with newsmakers spanning the world of sports, entertainment, pop culture and social media.