Apple Update To (Finally) Fix 'Duck Yeah' Autocorrection
Check your phone and search "duck yeah" in the messages app. It's quite common, isn't it?
For years, Apple's text service auto-corrected the commonly used "f*ck yeah" to "duck yeah."
The agitating correction morphed into a branding opportunity. Phrases such as "Dear Autocorrect It's Never Duck" are now sold on T-shirts and mugs
You can buy the products on Amazon today:

But you best buy these products soon. The joke is coming to an end, at least for iPhone users.
This week, Apple announced that its upcoming operating system, iOS 17, will understand users aren't even trying to type "duck yeah."
We know what you are thinking: iOS is on its 17th iteration?
Apple will no longer censor the phrase you send after your team scores a touchdown, evade trouble, or score a new date.
The company says it will deploy the technology behind ChatGPT to better personalize text suggestions.
Here's Apple’s software chief Craig Federighi on the change:
"AutoCorrect is getting more capable, with a refreshed design to better support you as you type. Sentence-level auto-corrections can fix more types of grammatical mistakes. If an auto-correction isn't quite what you wanted, tapping the underlying word shows what you originally typed with the option to quickly revert back to it. And in those moments where you just wanna type a ducking word, well, the keyboard will learn it too. "
Good one, Craig.
No, I will not print the corny phrase "It's about ducking time." Nor will I publish a story using "duck yeah" to celebrate the change.
I won't do it.
That said, the fix could push users to actually use "duck yeah" on purpose as a nod to the long-plaguing frustration that is soon to be more.
I won't be doing that, either...
No word on if Apple will fix the common error resulting in your sister texting you that her best friend is a "witch."