Aaron Rodgers Hopeful For Fans in the Stands at Lambeau This Season


Aaron Rodgers did an interview last week with the Army & Air Force Exchange Service on Facebook, where he touched on things like leadership and superstitions. One part of it that stood out to me was around the 39-minute mark when Rodgers expressed hopefulness about fans in the stands at Lambeau this season.

"I think it would be really strange ," Rodgers said. "I understand the state of the country for sure. But, there's something special about Lambeau Field. We have the tradition and history of excellence in Green Bay that the NFL trophy for the Super Bowl is called the Lombardi trophy after our famed coach. We go to work in Green Bay every day on Lombardi Avenue. We play at Lambeau Field named after Curly Lambeau who started the team in 1919."

"It's just different in Green Bay," he continued. "We have such a great interaction with our fans. We have thousands and thousands of fans at training camp. The businesses and the houses for rent on Lombardi and Ridge Ave. The community is really tied to the team, and so many great mom-and-pop businesses and restaurants and bars right there are contingent on us having games. I know those guys are hurting and hopeful -- like we all are -- that things can stabilize at some point."

Rodgers reiterated that he was really hopeful that fans would be allowed in stadiums, and that obviously there would have to be protocols in place for them to feel comfortable about their safety.

Recently, Packers President/CEO Mark Murphy sent a letter to season ticket holders informing them to expect capacity at Lambeau to be "significantly reduced". That seems to leave some wiggle room open for some fans, but it definitely wouldn't be the same -- for the fans in the venue, the players, or all the businesses that Rodgers mentioned surrounding Lambeau in Green Bay.


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Ryan Glasspiegel grew up in Connecticut, graduated from University of Wisconsin-Madison, and lives in Chicago. Before OutKick, he wrote for Sports Illustrated and The Big Lead. He enjoys expensive bourbon and cheap beer.