Setting The Record Straight On The Airplane Popcorn Drama And Respecting Moms | Tomi Lahren

The story of Toronto Blue Jays pitcher Anthony Bass’s pregnant wife who was forced to pick up her toddler’s popcorn off the floor of the plane has been making its rounds on the interwebs. 

After the incident occurred, Bass took to Twitter to blast United and the flight attendant for what he felt was an incredibly disrespectful and humiliating situation for his wife. And then the internet took over from there. 

With the simple question, should moms be forced to clean up after their kids on flights or in public places. 

The question is fair enough, but this story has been spun, taken out of context and butchered. And since Anthony and Sydney Bass are friends of mine, I’m gonna go ahead and set the record straight. 

Sydney Bass Was Humiliated By Flight Attendant

Sydney is 22 weeks pregnant and her pregnancy is high risk. She’s a baseball wife and in order to see her husband, she has the already incredibly challenging task of traveling almost weekly so the girls can see their dad and watch him work. 

Well last weekend her toddler, age 2, was given popcorn to keep her from screaming and disrupting other passengers. And because she is a freakin TODDLER, she spilled it. I’m sure every mom out there can relate, am I right? 

Well then the flight attendant tapped her and told her the CAPTAIN the PILOT wanted her -- a pregnant woman -- to get down and pick up every last piece, which she did. 

And let’s think about how humiliating that must’ve been to already have two kids under age 7 on a flight, alone, with no help and then have to stoop down at the command of the flight attendant and pick up little pieces of popcorn off the ground. 

Turns out the pilot DID NOT request this. It was the flight attendant who then claimed the popcorn was a “hazard.”

Excuse my language but, what kind of miserable hag do you have to be to humiliate a pregnant mom like that in front of the entire plane over some freakin popcorn. 

Applaud All Husbands Who Stand Up For Their Wives

So to all those out there rushing to demean and reprimand Sydney Bass, like she’s some diva who didn’t want to clean up after her kid ... Stop right there. 

My guess is this flight attendant was on a power trip and misses that extra authority once bestowed on her as “mask police” and she decided to take out her hall monitor aspirations on a pregnant mom trying to wrangle two little kids on a flight. 

Oh and for those who are criticizing her husband Anthony, enough. What MAN wouldn’t come to the defense of his pregnant wife after she was humiliated in front of a plane full of passengers by a salty flight attendant with a 'tude. That’s what a man does and a father does and I’d expect both my dad and my husband to do the same thing and they damn sure would. 

The Basses are some of the kindest, most generous and selfless people I’ve ever met. They are godly, kind and respectful. 

And I bet you didn’t know that the daughter who spilled the popcorn is their adopted daughter. These people are literally the salt of the earth. 

To watch Sydney be raked over the coal for this makes me sick. Do better and respect moms, they have a hard enough job. 

And those are my Final Thoughts. 

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Tomi Lahren hosts the evening opinion show Tomi Lahren is Fearless on which features her signature bold takes on trending culture stories driving the conversation across America, along with guest interviews with newsmakers spanning the world of sports, entertainment, pop culture and social media.