67,000 Pediatricians Want School This Fall But Because Trump Wants It Too, Idiots Oppose It

Here is the problem. The Coronabros have seeded the idea that students shouldn’t go back to school this fall.

Donald Trump came out and said school needs to be back in session. 67,000 pediatricians said the same thing. Kids are 20 times as likely to die from the flu than the coronavirus.

But because Donald Trump said it, the pediatricians and all of the data doesn’t matter.

People opposed it because many of them have Trump Derangement Syndrome. Anything that Donald Trump says, idiots immediately say the opposite because they hate him.

The data here is not complicated.

All college campuses need to be open and all college athletics need to be taking place.

The media has school presidents and athletic directors panicked. Someone tweets something mean to them and they panic. They have no backbone. They don’t know how to handle the social media age.

They ought to live one day on Outkick — just to see what it’s like to be in the center of a hurricane.  Just to be in the center of perpetual media outrage.

That’s where Outkick lives. We are in the center of a storm every single day.

That’s what we do at Outkick. That’s what we do every single day.

We are 100% ready for it. These athletic directors and school presidents are not.

We need everyone to get active and let people know that you expect schools to be back open.