WNBA Player Complains Chartered Planes Aren't Big Enough: VIDEO

There are already complaints rolling in about the planes the WNBA is chartering for teams.

The WNBA pivoted from commercial travel to chartered flights following a viral video of Caitlin Clark at an airport. All it took was one awkward moment with the face of the league, and the rookie's existence seemingly changed air travel for the entire league.

Gone are the days of mostly commercial flights. Now, teams are flying chartered and getting a much better experience. Yet, that doesn't mean everything is apparently great behind the scenes.

Sophie Cunningham says some chartered planes are too small.

Phoenix Mercury guard Sophie Cunningham is pleased the league is finally upgrading its travel, but she's not impressed by the size of some of the planes.

"We are so grateful to be able to start chartering, but with that, there’s a lot of things that need to be adjusted. Our bags and some of our people can't fly with us because our charter is too small. While other teams get big plans. We want to talk about competitive advantage. Well, that's one right there. That our team has to be split up and our bags don't even get to travel with us. So, social media makes everything sound so great. Butterflies and rainbows now that we got the charters, but half the teams don't have the proper charter to fly with your whole team. So, we are grateful, but there's still work to be done," Cunningham said in part in a video tweeted Thursday afternoon by Nick Hamilton.

You can watch her full comments below, and hit me with your thoughts at David.Hookstead@outkick.com.

If your worst problem in life is your bags can't fly with you on a chartered flight, then I'd say things are going just fine. The original issue was teams had to fly commercial. The league then upgraded the situation to chartered flights.

Now, the complaint is that the chartered planes for some teams aren't big enough. It was only a matter of time before players found something to complain about. It's never good enough. There's always something to complain about.

If the chartered flights are so small and Cunningham wants to be closer to her bags, then the team could always go back to flying commercial. Size shouldn't be a problem there!

Many people reading this are probably used to flying in coach with people cramped around them. Just be grateful none of you had to experience flying chartered with your bags on a second plane. I can't imagine the horror these WNBA teams are enduring. Say a prayer for them. It sounds like they need it. Let me know your thoughts at David.Hookstead@outkick.com

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David Hookstead is a reporter for OutKick covering a variety of topics with a focus on football and culture. He also hosts of the podcast American Joyride that is accessible on Outkick where he interviews American heroes and outlines their unique stories. Before joining OutKick, Hookstead worked for the Daily Caller for seven years covering similar topics. Hookstead is a graduate of the University of Wisconsin.