Ex-UFC Champ Francis Ngannou Tragically Loses 15-Month-Old Son, Kobe

Former UFC champion and boxer Francis Ngannou announced the tragic passing of his 15-month-old son on Monday.

Ngannou, 37, shared a message on his social media, announcing that his son, Kobe, passed away. He shared his deep mourning, posting how shaken up he's been by the sudden news.

The announcement spawned a big response from the UFC and fighting community, with many sharing their condolences with Ngannou. 

Ngannou posted: "Too soon to leave but yet he's gone. My little boy, my mate, my partner Kobe was full of life and joy. Now, he's laying without life. I shouted his name over and over but he's not responding.

"I was my best self next to him and now I have no clue [sic] of who I am. Life is so unfair to hit us where it hurts the most.

"How do you deal with such a thing? How can you live with it? Please help me if you have an idea because I really don't know what to do and how to deal with this."

A photo of Ngannou and his son is displayed in the background of his statement. The Cameroonian did not share the cause of his son's death. Ngannou followed up with a separate post.

"What's the purpose of life if what we're fighting tooth and nail to get away from is what finally hit us the hardest!? Why is life so unfair and merciless? Why does life always take what we don't have? I'm f***ing tired."

Among those who spoke out to support Ngannou was fellow UFC icon Conor McGregor. The Irish fighter reached out to Ngannou during trying times.

"I am so sorry to hear of your loss Francis, my prayers are with you and your family at this time," McGregor posted.

Rest in Peace.

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Alejandro Avila lives in Southern California and previously covered news for the LA Football Network. Jeopardy expert and grumpy sports fan. Known for having watched every movie and constant craving for dessert. @alejandroaveela (on X)