Paris Hilton Gets Naked For Magazine Cover Shoot

Up until last week, I had never heard of Flaunt Magazine. I still don't know much about it except for the fact that, with a couple of its most recent covers, it's been swinging for the fences.

Flaunt Magazine created some buzz last week with TikTok star Alix Earle appearing on the cover. She posed topless for the cover shoot and brought attention to the magazine from both the social media and the NFL worlds.

For this week's attention-grabbing cover, Flaunt enlisted the help of Paris Hilton, who it label as an icon, activist, mother, author, television star, DJ, and singer.

What does the hotel heiress - a title of hers Flaunt mistakenly left off - have to gain from appearing on the cover?  Well, she has her second studio album dropping this fall.

It's apparently going to take more than the 26-plus million Instagram followers she has and a feud with a well-known soccer player's wife to promote new music properly these days.

That's where the cover shoot comes in.  The 43-year-old gets to appear on the cover, without any clothes on, naturally, and she gets to open up about her second studio album.

Paris Hilton Should Be Teaching Marketing Courses

Paris' second album coincidentally includes a recently released single.  It features Australian singer Sia and is called Fame Won’t Love You.  It's funny how those things work sometimes.

Drop some music over here, appear on a magazine cover over there.  Throw them into a bowl, mix them up, and then before you know it, you're working on a third album and ways of promoting that.

Say what you want about Paris, but she knows how to effectively market.  She's put in many years doing that and isn't afraid to, let's say, think outside the box.

The mother of two continues to find new ways of making sure we know that she's still around.  This is why her great-grandfather worked so hard all those years ago.

It's amazing the power of surrogacy and a little generational wealth.  Some people let those gifts go to waste, not Paris Hilton.

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Sean is a cubicle life escapee and proud member of OutKick's Culture Department. He enjoys long walks on the beach, candlelit dinners, and puppies - only one of those things is true.